Designer : Anita Le Grelle
How does a Babylonian tower of clay become a successful tableware line? By sheer coincidence, according to Anita Le Grelle. It all started one day in 2013 when she decided to dismantle one of her old art works, a kind of Babylonian tower with stacks of cylinders and spirals, made from ceramic, wood and sand, and to reuse the clay to make a mould in the shape of a small bowl. The bowl grew and became a platter, which would then shrink back to become a plate before turning into a cup. Thus, her collection Terres De Rêves first saw the light of day.
Anita’s eclectic ceramic tableware line is characterised by in-depth detail, by a range of imperfections and peculiarities which in turn flow into a new, fragile form of perfection. A proven perfection, because with the huge success of the previously designed objects in this collection, and the popular demand for other sizes, extending the range could not be far off.